Want to support TWO great causes with ONE donation?

It’s not Giving Tuesday, but you can still feed two birds with one seed. Or plant two trees with one seed. Or feed a bird AND plant a tree with just one fruit since birds are seed dispersers, which means that by eating fruits and pooping out the seeds they are critical to forests… Getting […]

What is an environmentalist? Can I call myself an environmentalist?

  June 5th was World Environment Day. On June 15th, Costa Rica will celebrate its National Day of the Tree. Finca Cántaros Environmental Association has designated June as the “month of the environment” on our social media platforms. These occasions inspire even deeper reflection on questions I ask myself frequently: What is an environmentalist? And […]

Theme of the Month on our Social Media: Environmental Education!

Let me describe two scenes for you, and then I want you to choose the one that you think best represents environmental education: 1. A group of children are gathered around a tree, watching a rainbow of birds alight on its branches. The adult instructor is explaining the important relationship between trees and birds to the […]

Theme of the month: migration!

In March 2020, the start of the seasonal migration of hundreds of warblers, tanagers and other Neotropical migratory songbirds was poignant and bittersweet for me. With the pandemic dramatically transforming the landscape of our lives and locking everyone down into quarantine, the birds could fly between Costa Rica and Canada, but I—like thousands of others—could […]