We carry out the following projects on behalf of Finca Cantaros Environmental Association, a Canadian registered charity: (1) the Women Committed to the Earth environmental education program, (2) the Children’s Forest of Coto Brus project, (3) our bird monitoring programs, including bird banding and the Motus Wildlife Tracking System, (4) Detectives de Aves (BirdSleuth International) program, and (5) Night Walks. By donating to this Canadian registered charity, you will support these projects and receive a Canadian donation tax receipt.
We receive support from the Finca Cantaros Environmental Association, a US registered charity to help us carry out our projects. By donating to this US registered charity, you will support these projects and receive a US donation tax receipt.
Thank you for your support.
Finca Cántaros Environmental Association
1km south of San Vito Hospital
San Vito, Puntarenas Province
Costa Rica 60801
Email: info@fincacantaros.org
WhatsApp: +506 8878.1919
® 2023 Finca Cántaros. All Rights Reserved.