La educación ambiental está en el centro de todo lo que hacemos.

Sin importar cuál sea el enfoque o los objetivos, colocamos la educación ambiental en el centro de nuestro trabajo, porque es uno de los recursos más importantes de nuestra caja de herramientas para abordar los desafíos ecológicos y sociales interconectados de nuestro tiempo.

Como destaca la UNESCO: “La Educación, en resumen, es la mejor esperanza de la humanidad y el medio más eficaz en la búsqueda de lograr un desarrollo sostenible.”

Nuestros Pilares


Forest Landscape Restoration

Los proyectos de restauración del bosque son vehículos para realizar actividades de educación ambiental.


Las aves son las ventanas al mundo natural. Nos permiten crear experiencias de educación ambiental significativas.


La igualdad de género está estrechamente ligada a la sostenibilidad ambiental.

¡Árboles sembrados y contando!

Para hacer una mayor diferencia necesitamos su apoyo.


Happy 90th birthday to one of the most inspirational women of our times! I have looked up to Dr. Jane Goodall since I was a little girl, and although there is a saying that goes “never meet your heroes,” I…

This month’s blog is all about the “Birds” pillar of FCEA’s work! We have a lot to celebrate in this area. Since the founding of the organization in 2020, we have wanted to resume the bird banding that took place…

In honour of International Women’s Day (March 8), I am excited to announce that Gender is now an official pillar of Finca Cántaros Environmental Association’s work, along with Forest Restoration and Birds. We use these three themes as the main…

Microorganisms of the mountainAs part of our Women Committed to the Earth program, we have learned how to prepare inoculates that are used in our organic composts to apply in our forest restoration projects. These microorganisms of the mountain (MM),…

A photo worth more than a thousand wordsThey say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I would argue that this one is worth at least two thousand.Yes, I’m biased—that’s my daughter Lucy in the photo. However, allow me… New Year from Finca Cántaros Environmental Association!As last year drew to a close, a collective sense of despair over the state of our world seemed to set in. With global temperatures soaring and horrific wars raging, many people I…

Finca Cántaros is a nature reserve located in the southern zone of Costa Rica on the Pacific slope, in Coto Brus county of the province of Puntarenas. It has a cool, comfortable, tropical highlands climate with temperatures ranging between 14-30°…